Error on order execution

Posted 10 months ago by Prashant Tiwari

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Prashant Tiwari


I am getting attached error on backtesting using market replay. I am using NT 64-bit and HA scalping strategy.

Can somebody please help?



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Support Agent posted 9 months ago

Hi Prashant,

Thanks for your reply. From the information provided and screenshot, I can see that it's trying to place an order above the market. It can happen when live or market replay price is moving fast and as NinjaTrader platform detects it shows that massage. it's not an error, rather info pop up window to inform you about this. From the screenshot, I can see you are testing using Playback account on market replay data, try to test the same place using normal 1X speed, instead of max or higher speed, that should solve the problem. However, if you want to see where and how the market bid/ask price is moving, you can also add Price Line indicator which is a default indicator in NinjaTrader platfor. This would explain why you are seeing that massage. If you are using very small Stop loss or PT, you can increase that as well for testing to avoid fast moving price disruption. You mentioned that you are using default settings, if that's the case then it shouldn't have any PT or SL or any ATM strategy. Default settings execute orders using market order which shouldn't show this error. So, if you are still getting this error, then please do send a full screenshots of your full settings.


Rize Capital Support

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Prashant Tiwari posted 9 months ago

I am using default settings except time filter. And yes I used 8.1 file.

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Support Agent posted 9 months ago

Thanks for your notes. 
Could you please confirm when you downloaded, you downloaded the strategy for 8.1 version from the download page?
Also, please upload the screenshot of the settings you are using for us to review.
Let us know if there is anything else we can do to help.

Rize Capital Support

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